Safeguarding arrangements

Important - If you need to make a safeguarding referral please refer to this page: How to make a referral if you're worried.

Alongside the Police and local authorities, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside is a statutory partner for safeguarding adults and children in the following Safeguarding Adults Boards and Safeguarding Children’s Partnerships:

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside has Place-based safeguarding teams covering each of the region's nine Places. The team is accountable to the Director of Nursing and Care and includes Associate Director / Heads of Safeguarding, Designated Nurses and Professionals, Named GPs, Designated Doctors for Child Protection, Child Death and Children in Care and safeguarding administrators.

The team provide expert safeguarding advice to NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, local authorities, police and health partners. We also represent at several statutory partnerships including Safeguarding Adult Boards, Safeguarding Children Partnerships, Child Death Overview Panels, Corporate Parenting Boards, Channel Panels, Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Boards, Domestic Abuse Partnership Boards and Community Safety Partnerships

To contact NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Designated Safeguarding Professionals (adults, children and Children in Care), please email the area team you need: