Developing Band 6 Nurses in Cheshire and Merseyside

Project lead

Nicola Martin

Deputy Director of Nursing and Governance, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust

Development of career pathway for ward and department nurses to enhance their skills and see the progression opportunities that are available, from newly qualified to leadership roles within a ward or department environment.

Case for change

The current national registered nurse vacancy rate is approximately 50,000, in that context it is very difficult to recruit and retain nurses.

There is currently no one formal single training pathway for band 6 nurses and opportunities outside the ward environment are often considered more attractive e.g. specialist nurses, support roles and community services.

The aim of this project is to create a band 6 ward nurse role, that is attractive to the profession. By developing Band 6 ward nurses formally it is hoped that ward teams will have stability and are able to better recruit and retain nurses.

Anticipated benefits

  • Establishment of a single formal training pathway for Band 6 Nurses in Cheshire and Merseyside
  • Reduction in Band 6 Nurse vacancy rates across Cheshire and Merseyside
  • Improved staff survey results
  • Development of system leadership
  • Reduction in sickness absence

Key milestones


Q1 2023/24

Standardisation of Job Descriptions

Q2 2023/24

Production of Competency Framework/Development Programme

Q2 2023/24

Stakeholder Engagement & Launch

Q3/4 2023/24